What do we do with the letters we receive?
We then use social media to amplify these letters. LFC is working on a report where it analyses all the letters received and the concerns raised therein. This report will be taken to people who need to hear them and change things to create a better future for children. This includes lawmakers, policymakers, and leaders of organisations that work with children, among others.
What is Mahika Mishra Foundation?
Mahika Mishra Foundation (MMF) is registered as a Section 8 company under the Companies Act 2013. It is a non-profit organization working on amplifying children’s voices under its flagship initiative Letters for Change.
What is the vision of the Mahika Mishra Foundation?
To create a world where every child can speak up.
What is the mission of the Mahika Mishra Foundation?
To amplify children’s voices and inspire change.
How is Letters for Change different from other initiatives?
Letters For Change is set up by a 12-year-old and is completely run by students. So it is essentially an initiative by children for children.
What impact does Letters for Change bring?
External change
Where the letters received inspire change in society and systems around us.
Internal Change
Where the children become confident in speaking up on issues that they think can change their lives.
Normative Change
Where the societal norms and thoughts about children change. Their voices affect norms around gender, money, patriarchy, age and colour.
Why should a child write a letter?
Children are people too. And they get affected by things around them. We encourage them to share their concerns and ideas through letters.
Why can’t adults write to Letters for Change?
Unlike children, adults have certain rights through which they can speak up for themselves. In most cases, the decisions and choices that have to be made by children are made by adults on their behalf. Hence, LFC focuses on children to not only help them speak up but also enhance a sense of confidence in them.